Our Church Council 

  • Council President - Aaron Strassburger      president@stlukeshebfalls.org       (Maintenance)
  • Council Vice Pres.- Pam Bogenschuetz     vp@stlukeshebfalls.org                   (NOW)
  • Council Secretary - Lavonne Schroeder     secretary@stlukeshebfalls.org        (NOW)
  • Council Treasurer - Amy Buehler                treasurer@stlukeshebfalls.org        (Finance)
  • Council Members:
    • Donna Parrish            (Arts/Environment)             
    • David Kohl                  (Worship/Maintenance)   
    • Roland Buss               (Maintenance)
    • Becky Kuhlow             (Education/Youth)         


Meetings 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm

Church Governance

To be effective, organizations need basic rules.  A constitution and bylaws are the way most groups write down their rules. The Constitutions, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America reflect the theology and polity of this church as it organizes itself to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, share the sacraments, reach out to the neighbor with good news, and share the love of God in the world. Each expression of this church — churchwide, synod, and congregation — is held together in a relationship of interdependence that encourages each to respond to its context. These documents also demonstrate our commitment to seeing ourselves with others as part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

We, as members of this church, find ourselves consulting these documents frequently to guide, direct, and assist us in mission and ministry together. They remind us that this is not our church, but God’s church. As God’s people, living in relationship with God and with one another, we serve in God’s good world. “God’s work. Our hands.”

The constitution contains the fundamental principles which govern a St. Luke's operation. Each of the ELCA's expressions—congregations, synods and the churchwide organization—has a constitution.    Click the highlighted words for CONTITUTION OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH - ELCA

The bylaws establish the specific rules of guidance by which St. Luke is to function.  Click the highlighted words for the ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH BYLAWS
